Kingston University Biodiversity Action Group

Thursday 27 October 2022

5-10-2022: Improving Penrhyn Road campus for invertibrates


A few new additions to the brown roofs on our Town House building in September, adding small log piles to each of our accessible brown roofs. Each one will provide a point of cover for invertebrates as well as create small pockets of shelter on the roof for plant seeds to flourish. 

Saturday 23 April 2022

23-04-2022: Event notification

Interested in growing food, gardening and getting outdoors?

Then this opportunity which was brought to our attention by one of the fantastic Green Impact teams may be for you.

See the poster for all of the details: if you click on the image it will open up fully on your screen :)

Wednesday 6 April 2022

05-04-2022: Spring roundup invasives, orchards and moths oh my!

So I realised that I’ve been a bit lax on updating the blog from the end of January. So here’s a mini blog with more photos and some updates from some of our events in from late Jan to April!

Thursday 27 January 2022

27-01-22: Instructions for the University RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch(es)

Surveys from previous years - can we beat the numbers?

Many thanks for signing up to do a RSPB bird count on one of our sites between Friday the 28th of Jan and Monday the 30th of Jan 2022.

This post is for anyone who has signed up for one of the Kingston University RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch surveys at the last minute and so haven't got the joining instructions from us, as we are all out and about with our binoculars :)

How the counts help birds:

  1. These counts are important as they contribute to a large citizen science project which helps monitor birds in the UK and feeds into science projects. Our surveys also help the university know what species we have on our sites.
  1. When we do the counts at KU, we also count the birds that we can see in the trees and gardens of the our neighbours and on the street if we can see them from our location, as they are in the area and by knowing they are there, we can make the right decisions on how we manage our habitats on our site to help them.

           In addition (click on bold text below for links):

·       if you are a staff member, each count counts as one biodiversity event for your 2022 Green Impact scheme

·       if you are a student, these events can count towards your KingstonAward.


·         The count takes 1 hour.

 ·         In that hour you mark the max number of any birds that you see at any one point. So say you saw 7 blackbirds in total, but you only ever saw them one at a time, as you couldn’t be certain it wasn’t the same blackbird circling around (unless you see 1 female and 1 male) you would mark down that you had seen 1 blackbird during the survey.

 ·         But say you saw 3 blackbirds at one point, and then 4 blackbirds at the same time near the middle of the survey, you would mark down that you had seen 4 blackbirds in total.

 ·         If you do use the RSPB website instead of the paper chart – please take a screen shot or a clear photo of the results and send them to me and Rachel Walls so that we can get them entered onto our records too. If you aren’t using the app, just send me the results along with the date you surveyed and the location (if you surveyed more then one)  and I will submit them to the RSPB.

 ·         Or keep a list on your phone etc. and send me an with a screenshot of your results and the site covered.


These are the sites that we are surveying as part of the university. So far we have at least 1 person committed to doing one survey per site, but as different people might see different numbers of birds at different times of day, we welcome multiple survey efforts at our sites to maximise our chances of recording all the species using our sites.

Site list

Roehampton Vale

Clay Hills

Town House

Penrhyn Road forensic garden and pond

Portland Road by the blue bridge

Middle Mill – around the halls

Knights Park – river terrace

Reg Bailey building

River house

Kingston Hill

Dorich House

Tolworth Court

75 Penrhyn Road

All the best
