Kingston University Biodiversity Action Group

Monday 1 July 2019

01-07-2019: Summer catch up 3

The new bulbs planted last autumn were making a colorful show.
 The first was a community garden event in the memorial garden, adding a new brick separator to one of the larger beds as well as weeding invasive garlic plants out of the site. 

Pulling out invasive garlic from the rose bed

Pulling out invasive garlic from the rose bed
Since the event, the garden has gone a little crazy with summer growth, so we will probably need to be back here in autumn tidying the place a little. Once the majority of the flowers have faded, to provide as much food as possible for pollinators.
Bare areas mid slope
 We also worked on a woodland slope stabilisation project, where previous wildflower seeding had failed because the seeds were being washed off the slope.

Recycle and reusing old rhodo logs
 With volunteers, we recycled old rhododendron logs to create shelves to capture soil. We then transplanted ivy from elsewhere on our site to these pockets, to help aid colonisation. 
Planting ivy

Quick lunch break
A helping hand or root
Hopefully the ivy will grow up the slope, to provide further areas where soil will catch, allowing some of the new wildflower seeds that were scattered to catch, germinate and take root. 
Our KU DIY shelving :)
Take care until next time

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