Kingston University Biodiversity Action Group

Friday 5 January 2024

05/01/2024 - The Winner of Kingston Uni's Winter Wildlife Photo Competition!

Hello everyone, I hope you’ve had a great festive break in December and Happy New Year to you all. 

Alongside two other staff members, I had the pleasure of judging the entries for the Winter Wildlife Photo Competition (which ran at the Uni on all of our sites throughout the whole of December 2023). 

Friday 22 December 2023

22-12-2023: Last Post of 2023


Play Me

from the last Rhodobash of the year. A small but mighty team 😍 ...mince pies were harmed in the production of this event!

Hi all,

So while I haven't been the best at updating the blog over other social media platforms. I have been using it to ensure that some of our updated reference documents are available to folk outside of our internal web-pages :)

This year saw the adoption of the following two documents:

KU Invasive Flora Management Plan (2023)
and our Good Practice Document 9: Alternatives to invasive non-native ornamental grasses for use in Kingston University Landscaping projects (2023) 

If you've not spotted them - scan your eyes to the right, and have a look though our Kingston University Biodiversity: policies and plans menu 😃

No promises to be better at updating the blog next year - as I only want to make resolutions that I have a chance of keeping 😆! But I will try my best 😄

Til next year, I hope you all have a wonderful Yuletide and a fantastic start to 2024.